A PDF copy of the 2023 Kids count in Nebraska Report is located here:
2023 Kids Count in Nebraska Report.Full Documet PDF
Pro-Kid Policy Plan
Children are our state’s greatest resource, and the decisions our leaders make about them impact our collective future.
Voices for Children in Nebraska has developed the following Pro-Kid Policy Plan, focusing on the issues of health, economic stability, child welfare, and juvenile justice. Our policy priorities are guided by research, data, and proven best practices that improve child well-being. We pay close attention to the impact of race, socioeconomic status, and geography, and seek to remove barriers to opportunity within these areas. This plan represents our vision for a Nebraska where strong communities allow all children to thrive.
Voices for Children works to ensure that:
Children and families have access to affordable, quality physical and behavioral health care. Consistent and preventive health care gives children the best start to grow up to be healthy and productive adults.
Economic Stability
Families are able to achieve financial security, and children’s basic needs are met. State economic policies support families in trying to build a better future and balance work and family life.
Child Welfare
Children grow up in safe, permanent, and loving homes. An effective child welfare system strengthens families and minimizes trauma through timely and appropriate action.
Juvenile Justice
Youth are held accountable for their actions in developmentally appropriate ways that promote community safety and allow them to grow into responsible citizens.
Contacting elected officials
How to use your voice on behalf of children
Do you have something to share with elected officials about children’s issues? It’s easy to contact policymakers using these tools — a legislative map, contact information for your representatives, and a wealth of information and data at your fingertips.
1: Find your district

2: Identify your elected official or officials
2023 Nebraska Legislature
Senator | District | Office Phone | |
Aguilar, Raymond | 35 | 402-471-2617 | raguilar@leg.ne.gov |
Albrecht, Joni | 17 | 402-471-2716 | jalbrecht@leg.ne.gov |
Arch, John | 14 | 402-471-2730 | jarch@leg.ne.gov |
Armendariz, Christy | 18 | 402-471-2618 | carmendariz@leg.ne.gov |
Ballard, Beau | 21 | 402-471-2673 | bballard@leg.ne.gov |
Blood, Carol | 3 | 4402-71-2627 | cblood@leg.ne.gov |
Bostar, Eliot | 29 | 402-471-2734 | ebostar@leg.ne.gov |
Bostelman, Bruce | 23 | 402-471-2719 | bbostelman@leg.ne.gov |
Brandt, Tom | 32 | 402-471-2711 | tbrandt@leg.ne.gov |
Brewer, Tom | 43 | 402-471-2628 | tbrewer@leg.ne.gov |
Briese, Tom | 41 | 402-471-2631 | tbriese@leg.ne.gov |
Cavanaugh, John | 9 | 402-471-2723 | jcavanaugh@leg.ne.gov |
Cavanaugh, Machaela | 6 | 402-471-2714 | mcavanaugh@leg.ne.gov |
Clements, Robert | 2 | 402-471-2613 | rclements@leg.ne.gov |
Conrad, Danielle | 46 | 402-471-2720 | dconrad@leg.ne.gov |
Day, Jen | 49 | 402-471-2725 | jday@leg.ne.gov |
DeBoer, Wendy | 10 | 402-471-2718 | wdeboer@leg.ne.gov |
DeKay, Barry | 40 | 402-471-2801 | bdekay@leg.ne.gov |
Dorn, Myron | 30 | 402-471-2620 | mdorn@leg.ne.gov |
Dover, Robert | 19 | 402-471-2929 | rdover@leg.ne.gov |
Dungan, George | 26 | 402-471-2610 | gdungan@leg.ne.gov |
Erdman, Steve | 47 | 402-471-2616 | serdman@leg.ne.gov |
Fredrickson, John | 20 | 402-471-2622 | jfredrickson@leg.ne.gov |
Geist, Suzanne | 25 | 402-471-2731 | sgeist@leg.ne.gov |
Halloran, Steve | 33 | 402-471-2712 | shalloran@leg.ne.gov |
Hansen, Ben | 16 | 402-471-2728 | bhansen@leg.ne.gov |
Hardin, Brian | 48 | 402-471-2802 | bhardin@leg.ne.gov |
Holdcroft, Rick | 36 | 402-471-2642 | rholdcroft@leg.ne.gov |
Hughes, Jana | 24 | 402-471-2756 | jhughes@leg.ne.gov |
Hunt, Megan | 8 | 402-471-2722 | mhunt@leg.ne.gov |
Ibach, Teresa | 44 | 402-471-2805 | tibach@leg.ne.gov |
Jacobson, Mike | 42 | 402-471-2729 | mjacobson@leg.ne.gov |
Kauth, Kathleen | 31 | 402-471-2327 | kkauth@leg.ne.gov |
Linehan, Lou Ann | 39 | 402-471-2885 | llinehan@leg.ne.gov |
Lippincott, Loren | 34 | 402-471-2630 | llippincott@leg.ne.gov |
Lowe, John | 37 | 402-471-2726 | jlowe@leg.ne.gov |
McDonnell, Mike | 5 | 402-471-2710 | mmcdonnell@leg.ne.gov |
McKinney, Terrell | 11 | 402-471-2712 | tmckinney@leg.ne.gov |
Moser, Mike | 22 | 402-471-2715 | mmoser@leg.ne.gov |
Murman, Dave | 38 | 402-471-2732 | dmurman@leg.ne.gov |
Raybould, Jane | 28 | 402-471-2633 | jraybould@leg.ne.gov |
Riepe, Merv | 12 | 402-471-2623 | mriepe@leg.ne.gov |
Sanders, Rita | 45 | 402-471-2617 | rsanders@leg.ne.gov |
Slama, Julie | 1 | 402-471-2733 | jslama@leg.ne.gov |
Vargas, Tony | 7 | 402-471-2721 | tvargas@leg.ne.gov |
von Gillern, R. Brad | 4 | 402-471-2621 | bvongillern@leg.ne.gov |
Walz, Lynne | 15 | 402-471-2625 | lwalz@leg.ne.gov |
Wayne, Justin | 13 | 402-471-2727 | jwayne@leg.ne.gov |
Wishart, Anna | 27 | 402-471-2632 | awishart@leg.ne.gov |
3: Know your issues, share your data
Voicesforchildren.com contains a wealth of information including:
- Legislative Priority bills
- Blog
- Kids Count NEteractive data tool
- Electronic version of the Kids Count in Nebraska Report
To stay current on children’s legislative issues, sign up for our free advoKID email alerts on our website to help you respond to the issues affecting children in the unicameral.
To use the KIDS COUNT Data Center – the interactive home of national, state, and county level data visit datacenter.kidscount.org.
To view the legislative calendar, read bills, listen live and more, visit nebraskalegislature.gov.
Other elected officials
U.S. President: Joe Biden
202-456-1414, president@whitehouse.gov
Nebraska Governor: Jim Pillen
402-471-2244, www.governor.nebraska.gov
Nebraska Secretary of State: Bob Evnen
402-471-2554, www.sos.ne.gov
Nebraska Attorney General: Mike Hilgers
402-471-2683, www.ago.state.ne.us
Nebraska State Treasurer: John Murante
402-471-2455, www.treasurer.org
U.S. Senator: Deb Fischer
U.S. Senator: Pete Ricketts
202-224-4224, www.ricketts.senate.gov
U.S. Representative-1st District: Mike Flood
202-225-4806, www.flood.house.gov
U.S. Representative-2nd District: Don Bacon
202-225-4155, www.bacon.house.gov
U.S. Representative-3rd District: Adrian Smith
202-225-6435, www.adriansmith.house.gov